Muhammara Lamb Tagine (Lamb with Pomegranate, Peppers and Walnuts)

The wonderful combination of pomegranate "molasses", ground walnuts and red peppers is found flavouring a variety of dishes in different parts of the Middle East. The Lebanese and Syrian Muhammara dip and the Persian Fesenjan both feature the mixture. This adaptation owes some inspiration to Greg Malouf, who uses Muhammara as a marinade for a roast leg of lamb. Here I use these ingredients for a dish cooked in a tagine, although it could be done in another appropriate pot.

500 g lamb, cubed
2 Tbps vegetable oil
1 large or 2 small onions, finely sliced
2 cloves garlic, crushed
1 red pepper, sliced in vertical strips
2 Tbps pomegranate molasses
1 Tbps honey
1 Tbps verjuice (substitute lemon juice)
1 Tpb mild Red pepper paste (Biber salçası)
2/3 cup of walnuts, ground

Heat oil on medium heat in the base of a tagine or another heavy-bottomed pot. Brown cubes of lamb, in batches if necessary. Remove lamb and add onions and garlic; cook until transparent, then add red pepper strips and cook, stirring, until softened. Add verjuice, red pepper paste and honey, stir to combine. Return lamb to pot, stir again and simmer 30 mins or until tender. Stir in ground walnuts (and a little water if liquid has all evaporated), and warm through.

Serve with rice pilaf.


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